We leverage government
and private partnerships
to impact more women
& children across
Maharashtra and Delhi.
We have reached
over 2 lakh children
and adolescents
across India.
Our Programs stem from strong research — assessing the needs and socio-legal factors impacting children in our communities. The research is presented to the relevant Government departments. We identify strategic and implementation partners with the State and NGOs to implement, support, and scale the programs. We engage heavily with the Government on policy advocacy and changes at the systemic level to ensure longterm solutions of the issues.
We believe that with the right support and collaboration, we can create a world in which all women and children can shine.
We Explore

Only 1% of children with disabilities have access to school and one third of most disabilities are preventable (WHO,2011). Our early intervention programme is aimed at addressing hearing and speech impairment at an early stage of life, so that the hearing impaired children can engage in conversation and learn in regular schools.
44 Cochlear Implant Surgeries
Cochlear implant surgeries successfully conducted at our EIC center
1900+ Children Enrolled
The Special Care centre has enrolled 1900+ children till now
Providing hearing impaired and intellectually disabled children with appropriate intervention at an early age and integrated education, thus enabling them to lead independent lives
An early intervention centre that provides diagnosis, pre and post cochlear implant management, therapy and support to hearing & speech impaired children
Special School
A school for children with hearing and intellectual disabilities for children between 3 to 19 years
We Foster
Young Minds

One of the major issues emerging in Indian education is increased school dropout rates and low levels of student learning. We work with children who lack the support they need to do well in school. Our program focuses on building happier classrooms that fosters holistic development of pre school and primary children. The key features of our education programs are individualised attention to each child, increased experiential learning opportunities, intensive teacher training, coaching and mentoring support, stakeholder involvement, and community engagement.
4,000 Students
Enrolled in our Patang Program
85% Students Showing Improvement
Students are showing progressive movement in their learning levels
Creating engaging environments with resources & opportunities for primary education through experiential learning
An early childhood care and education program that fosters holistic development
A remedial education program for primary grade students to help them bridge their learning gaps
We Value Life

It is estimated that over 2 million children are trafficked into sexual slavery every year. India is the source, transit and destination of trafficking with extensive intra-country trafficking. Owing to the complexities of human trafficking in India we choose to adopt a multi-pronged approach – this is done by empowering vulnerable communities, rehabilitation of survivors of trafficking through education and livelihood, access to justice for survivors and supporting the government system to address the issue holistically.
1.2 Lakh Reached
Through intervention in over 650 villages and slum areas
2600+ Survivors Rehabilitate
Through education and livelihood opportunities
Combating human trafficking of girls and restoring the respect and dignity in their lives.
Increasing community awareness, reducing vulnerabilities and enhancing vigilance for early reporting
Working with the state government for rehabilitation and reintegration of survivors of trafficking
Empowering the justice delivery system for an organised response to trafficking crimes
Policy Advocacy
Influencing government policies at the state and national levels to address the issue holistically
We Enable

We work in urban communities of Maharashtra & Delhi with high prevalence of violence against women. We pave the path for the empowerment of vulnerable young women from these communities by enabling them with opportunities in education, employability skills and enterprise development support. We aim towards reducing their vulnerability to violence and help them in breaking the cycle of poverty.
18,000+ Women Reached
Through Employability skills training & enterprise development; support for Vulnerable Migrant Women from over 100 slum pockets of Maharashtra and Delhi
7 out of every 10 Women Placed
80% women use of the opportunity to be economically independent
50 Micro-Enterprises Supported
Provided financial and infrastructure support
Ensuring all girls are skilled to be independent and financially secure.
Community Based Centres
Through 10 community based centres we create access to opportunities for young women within the community
Skills Training
Training in sectors of beauty and wellness, garment manufacturing, retail sales, para-medical, facility management, digital skills and financial skills
Life Skills
Focusing on self-esteem, confidence, assertion and negotiation skills, goal-setting, job readiness